AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 10.1.3 Software

Free Download AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 10.1.3 Software : Pada kesempatan ini kami akan mengulas sebuah sitem atu software yang populer saat ini dimana software AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 10.1.3 inisudh sudah mencangkup lebih dari 100 fitur baru, yang termasuk arsitektur STK radar, dilengkapi perangkat tambahan ke Workbench dan dan fungsionalitas yang lebih besar untuk model dan menganalisis sistem radar, kses antena bersama dan RF propagasi perpustakaan-configure pra dari STK Komunikasi. Radar juga sekarang memungkinkan untuk mengacaukan pemodelan untuk representasi yang lebih akurat dari sistem radar. Akhirnya ada tiga poin plugin baru untuk Clutter Peta, Clutter Geometri dan Radar Cross Section

STK 10.1 Radar updates bring a more intuitive user interface and greater functionality to model and analyze radar systems. Radar is now integrated into the Component Manager, which allows you to pre-configure radar systems and access shared antenna and RF propagation libraries from STK Communications. Radar also now allows for cluttering modeling for a more accurate representation of a radar system. Finally there are three new plugin points for Clutter Map, Clutter Geometry and Radar Cross Section.

The updates to Analysis Workbench include the ability to add your own custom calculations via the Custom Script Calculation Component. Time Components can be used in more places to define time intervals (including sensor pointing and model articulations). Finally there are several new components including Fixed Times Time Array Component, Fixed on Central Body VGT Point Component for creating generic LLA points and file type for VGT vector.

As for the usability updates, you can now point to the online STK Help to get the most up-to-date documentation. You no longer need to have administrative rights to install UI plugins. Data for more than 50 aircraft has been added to the Standard Object Database. You can also now right-click on graphs to create Analysis Workbench Time Components.

Finally we've made some updates to the graphics/visualizations in STK. There is a new water surface that provides realistic ocean surface visualization. The camera inertia update adds faster mouse movements so you can quickly rotate, pan, or zoom to a location before using more precise mouse input. 
                                          AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 10.1.3

                                                              About AGI
Analytical Graphics, Inc. develops commercial modeling and analysis software for the aerospace, defense, and intelligence communities in the United States, Canada, and internationally. The company supplies software applications and development tools for modeling, engineering, and operations in the areas of space, cyberspace, aircraft, missile defense, C4ISR, and electronic systems. It offers a Systems Tool Kit to model complex systems, such as aircraft, satellites, and ground vehicles, as well as their sensors and communications in the context of the mission environment; software development kits; and an Orbit Determination Tool Kit that provides orbit determination and orbit analysis support for the entire life cycle of satellite tracking systems.
Name: AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK)
Version: 10.1.3

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